Monday, June 29, 2009

Port Melbourne attempts to influence council budget

Five submissions to the Port Phillip budget were received from Port Melbourne and heard at the Council meeting of 11 June. Some extracts from their submissions are quoted in italics below

  • from Rouse St residents: frustrated that streetscape improvements promised many years ago are still only promised for 2012/13. 'The works have been promised for about 12 years. They are now way overdue.' 'Council said they sympathised with all the disruption and stress caused in our lives from the pressures of the unbelievably intense amount of development surrounding us. Our reward was that we would eventually have a beautiful streetscape by way of some compensation. We were kept going with the promise of an oasis amongst the concrete.'

  • from the Travel Well committee of Port Melbourne Primary School: requesting safety improvements such as raised pedestrian crossings at Clark/Poolman. Concerns about safety at this crossing discourages families from riding or walking to school

  • from concerned residents of Sandridge: raising concerns about the buffer with the Port of Melbourne Corporation 'We are aware that the Port Development Plan contemplates the significant intensification of Webb Dock from cars to containers. And an inevitable consequence will be significantly increased truck movements. This will present a huge challenge to liveability adn amenity for we residents who live in the immediate area, an area that is extremely close to Todd Road.'

  • from the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association: a range of matters including Sandridge Beach East toilet, Waterfront Place toilet, shower facilities at Port Melbourne Beach, implementation of the Sandridge Beach master plan, landscape care and the broader topic of 'The complexity of Beacon Cove and Who is Responsible for What

  • from Richard Webb: arguing that Port Melbourne does not receive a fair share of the Council's budget

To view the budget please go to
Unfortunately, no changes to the budget were made as a consequence of these submissions. However, the issues are all in front of all councillors.

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