Saturday, August 25, 2012

Morris Reserve

Today we spoke with people about Morris Reserve - that fragment of open space between the Graham St overpass and the tennis courts. People who walk through the area regularly - on the way to the tram stop or to Bay St - had very consistent views on what could be improved. The strongest comments were around stabilising the embankment of the overpass. Erosion from the bank leads to mud on the footpath - puddles and mud may be fun for some children but not for adults. People who use that path to make their way home from the tram at night would like the path to be better lit. There seemed to be a preference for introducing more natural materials into the area and the play equipment since people observed that the plastic equipment deteriorated over time. One person suggested that adult exercise equipment, such as that on the foreshore in Middle Park, would complement the tennis club. The tree, which defines the Reserve, should be well protected and perhaps made more of a feature. The recently completed works at Turville Reserve and improvements to the underpass were positively received though the challenges of the underpass area were noted. If you would like to contribute your thoughts, please go to

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