Wednesday, February 29, 2012

draft Port Melbourne Urban Design Framework - the Promenade

The draft Port Melbourne Urban Design Framework is the only possible topic for this evening. Many, many people came to talk with councillors and staff about the draft UDF. In addition to concerns about 1 - 11 Waterfront Place, issues about the Promenade were once again emphatically made. Even though you are probably quite familiar with the area, these photographs illustrate some of the highs and lows of the Promenade. It is a fantastic place to view the cruise ships. However, the steps present a great problem for people with prams, wheelchairs or walkers. At present, the only accessible path is the bike path. Conflict between cyclists and pedestrians is the result. The Beacon Cove towers exit directly onto the bike path creating further conflict points. Council is soon to assume responsibility for the remaining assets at Beacon Cove when I hope these matters can be resolved. While it appears straightforward at first glance, it isn't. The planter beds on the path are part of the structure of the supporting revetement and can't be moved. The cycle path is narrower than current expectations for shared paths. Also there is limited width between the property boundary and the water's edge to add any space.

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