Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Places at the Liardet Street Children's Centre

There has been some confusion about the number of places to be created at the new centre.

The intention is to create approximately 150 children's places made up as follows:
  • 50 LFK places
  • 35 Albert Park College Childcare Centre places
  • and an additional 65 places (a mix of playgroup/long day care or kindergarten as determined by the steering committee)

Garden City Reserve

The new avenues of trees in Garden City Reserve were being planted as I walked through the Reserve this morning following overnight rain.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Liardet St Children's Centre

These are key elements to the proposal being put to the Council meeting on 27th April
  • to create an integrated children's centre in Liardet St
  • to address the demand for children's services including childcare and playgroups
  • to create 150 children's places made up as follows: 50 LFK places, 35 Albert Park College Childcare Centre places, and an additional 65 places (the make up of which would be decided by the steering committee)
  • for the council to assume committee of management status for the land over which LFK is currently the committee of management
  • the involvement of both LFK and APCCC in the creation, development and management of the new facility is assured
  • any future services on site to continue to be community managed
  • LFK can continue to manage its own service
  • $4.5 m is available from federal, state and local government

Lest we forget

Anzac Day 2009

Lady Forster Kindergarten

Albert Park College Childcare Centre

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Small park improvements

Small parks across Port Melbourne are being upgraded with a range of small treatments that are making a big difference.
This new seating wall in the park at Derham/Farrell lifts the appearance of this space.

Police act on safety

  • 24 drivers in a 6 hour period were apprehended by Police for driving while using mobiles (not hands free) in the vicinity of the Port Melbourne Town Hall in March.
  • 3 drivers in 30 minutes were apprehended for speeding for travelling 15 kph above the speed limit on the Plummer St bypass.
These figures were presented to the Road Safe Inner Melbourne Committee on which I am the City of Port Phillip representative.
source: Victoria Police Port Phillip Traffic Management Unit

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

'Seeds of a good idea'

Beautiful feature on community gardens including the Simply Living Garden at Bridge St Uniting Church in today's Age:
'Anyone is welcome to pick from the garden, but encouraged to take only as much as they need.'

Monday, April 13, 2009

I was appalled to read of the knife attack on a Canadian at Graham Station yesterday in the Age. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Putting pedestrians and tram users first

Graham is the busiest stop in Port Melbourne on the 109 tram route.
New raised pavements on Station Street and Turville Place clearly give priority to pedestrians and tram users.

They are also intended to deter speeding along Station Street.
Find the timetable for Graham Station (Stop 128) at http://tt.metlinkmelbourne.com.au/tt/AHF/VIC_TT03__00004441.pdf

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Growing participation in active travel to school

78.52% of all Port Melbourne Primary students skated, walked or rode as part of this year's Ride2School Day on 25th March.

The level of support, excitement and participation from the whole school community was fantastic.
The take up of active travel has grown hugely from 48.62% in June 2008, and 57% in September 2008. (refer to earlier posts)

Liardet St: where I stand

I acknowledge
  • the huge contribution of the committees of LFK and the APCCC to the care of the centres and our community's children.
  • the passion for LFK variously expressed as 'the vibe, 'the feel', the natural environment, the space and the opportunities for play

These are the reasons I support the recommendation that Council assume committee of management status for the land managed by LFK:

  • Representative role: I must represent all families in Port Melbourne: whether they need kindergarten, childcare or playgroup - or a combination of the three

  • Public Land: LFK is on crown land - that is public land. Public land is a scarce resource which should be used for the maximum community benefit

  • Fairness: it is not fair that some families and children should only have access to limited space while other families and children enjoy much more generous space

  • Protection of open space: I do not support any incursion into Lagoon Reserve for the purposes of the new facility. Lagoon Reserve is intensely used by dog owners, for sport and for recreation. It is the 'backyard' for people living in apartments who rely on it for open space.

  • Participation: The committee of LFK can maintain its independence and an independent service. The committee can influence and direct the flavour and atmosphere of the new centre

  • Community interest: I do not believe it is in the immediate community's interest to have two separate but related services next door to each other that are not integrated

  • Strengthening the range of services in the community: the children's services centre, together with Albert Park Primary School, and the new secondary school put the full range of services from birth to the end of secondary school within easy reach of local families

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Liardet Street family & children's centre background

A pool of $4.5 m funding is available from federal, state and local government to create a new family and childrens services centre in Liardet St to meet the needs of families in Port Melbourne/Albert Park.
There are 3 sites involved - all on Crown Land

  • 81 - 85 Liardet St (CoPP is committee of management)
  • rear of 85 Liardet St (LFK is committee of management
  • 186 Esplanade West, Lady Forster Kindergarten (LFK is committee of management)

To optimise the limited space available for the new secondary school, it was agreed that a new site be found for the Albert Park College Childcare Centre. APCCC is in temporary accommodation in the grounds of the Port Melbourne Primary School. They need a new home.

There is also an extensive waiting list for childcare in Port Phillip, particulary in Albert Park.

Read the council recommedation at


or visit the front page of council's website for more information at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au

Sandridge foreshore - final check in

The final stage of consultation on the Sandridge Beach landscape plan will take place on

Saturday 18 April between 10 and 12
Unlike the earlier 'drop in' type consultations, Saturday's consultation will begin at 10 and go through to 12.

The plan includes:
  • Vegetation removal and uplifting of lower tree branches
  • Improved views to the bay
  • Bins along foreshore
  • Beach showers, picnic tables and seating
  • Lighting along foreshore promenade
  • Playground
  • Some path linkages

for more detail refer to


Friday, April 3, 2009

'Such a great place to meet - this park!'

Many people and their dogs came to talk about dog off-leash areas in Garden City Reserve.

Nearly everybody spoke of how their dogs had connected them to a wider and more supportive community.

Here are some responses to other questions people asked about the Reserve.

  • Pickets and webbing will be removed to make the path safe for the weekend except for two points where we are awaiting Citipower to move pits so we can finish the path.

  • Yes! there will be more bins, seats and drinking taps throughout the Reserve

  • The new playground has been designed to have a number of wide verges mounded and planted with trees that enclose the space. The space is also a good distance from the road and when built will extend further into the park than the current play equipment.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Swimmers, jetskis and boats

Do you swim at a Port Melbourne beach?
If you do, you would be interested in the review being conducted by Parks Victoria about boating zones. Early feedback has been strongly that swimming and jetskis don't mix.

The review of the zones is intended to make the near shore water a safer place by simplifying the currently complex range of zones. Once adopted the zones will be more clearly marked than they are at present which will assist with compliance.

The areas that have the highest swimmer density, usually in front of Life Saving Clubs will become 'no boating zones' (equivalent to swimmers only)
You are encouraged to respond to a survey on the council's website http:www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/boating_zone_review.html or email comments and queries to
place@portphillip.vic.gov.au  Submissions close Tuesday 14 April 2009