Friday, October 26, 2012

Dear Port Focus readers
Its time to say goodbye. This is my last post to Port Focus in this form. I hope to resume it in some way in 2013.
I started Port Focus before the 2008 election because I wanted to have a presence on line. I also wanted to give Port Melbourne people more local news than the local papers offered and to portray a positive picture of Port Melbourne. A Port focus no less!
I thought that if I only posted Council news, noone would read it - so I have tried to make it more interesting with other snippets.
Some readers have joined along the way, and I have strengthened friendships on line with people I didn't know as well before.
I've enjoyed Port Focus and hope you have too. It provides a detailed record of Port Melbourne between 2008 and 2012.
I'm going away for a month or so but will be back.
Thank you for your interest and encouragement.
ps if you would like to access any of the photos, they are on Picassa - you'll find that on google

Election Day for the Sandridge Ward in Port Phillip tomorrow

If you haven't voted already, here are the options:
  • Today Friday 26 October at  Port Melbourne Town Hall from 9 to 6 pm
  • Saturday 27 October from 8 to 6 pm
at Port Phillip Specialist School, cnr Nott and Pool St, or Fishermens Bend Community Centre, Dunstan Parade cnr Centre Avenue

To check interim and final results, keep an eye on the Victorian Electoral Commission website

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The mayor

There is some speculation about who will be mayor of the Port Phillip Council following the election on Saturday 27.
Lets hope it's not as dramatic as what occurred in Sandridge in 1862 when Councillor Pickles was kidnapped to prevent him participating in the vote for chairman. In his absence he was elected chairman by the casting vote of Councillor Morley as there were three votes each for Dr Plummer and Councillor Pickles.
Pickles was down at Railway Pier when he was told a tall story by two watermen who induced him to get into a boat on a dodgy pretext. When out to sea they told him that there was a plan afoot to make him chairman. "He remonstrated with them, and actually got out his knife when the second man told him to put it up, or it would be worse for him. Both of them told him they were to get 10 pounds for keeping him out of the way till nine o'clock that night, and if he got on shore before they would not get the money."  More of this intriguing tale and Pickles account is in the Argus on Saturday 9 August 1862.
with outgoing Mayor Rachel Powning at the final council meeting
an outstanding leader of Port Phillip in 2011 and 2012
picture Simon Kosmer
 The mayor provides a critical leadership role on Council. The only statutory role outlined in the Local Government Act is that the mayor must preside at Council meetings. In practice, the role is so much more. The mayor not only represents the Council in the community and is the spokesperson for the Council, but also needs to be skilful in facilitating the councillor group to work together towards Council's collectively agreed plan.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Waterfront Place and the Port Mebourne Urban Design Framework

A priority for the successful Sandridge candidate and the new Council will be to continue work on the Port Melbourne Urban Design Framework with the community.

Waterfront Restaurant for sale by expression of interest
Some creative thinking will need to be done to re-imagine Waterfront Place as a place where Port people like to spend time, and where businesses can thrive. How can the space become more hospitable to the visitors who pass through the precinct daily? And what arrangements need to be put in place to achieve these improvements and how will they be paid for?
A willingness to work together with all the parties that have an interest in Waterfront Place - particularly the Port of Melbourne Corporation - is fundamental. It will also be important to assert the Port Melbourne UDF's status as a project within Council of equivalent importance to the Triangle.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Final meeting of the Port Phillip Council 2008 to 2012

The final meeting of this Port Phillip Council was held in St Kilda this evening. The contribution of all councillors was acknowledged in generous speeches.
Often, when I have struggled to find the words for an argument or felt daunted by the difficulty of an issue, I have gazed at this painting on the northern wall of the Council Chamber and pondered its meaning. I believe the painting was commissioned at the time of Council amalgamations.  After eight years, it retains a mystery for me even though it is very evocative of this place. These are just two panels from the mural.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Countdown to the end of my time as Sandridge representative on the Port Phillip Council  - 5 days to go. Glad and sad.

The Best of Port

The Port Melbourne Business Association awarded businesses as nominated by customers in these categories at Dalmatinos this evening. The best of Port ...
  • Coffee: Velvet Bar
  • Health & beauty: Oxygen
  • Health & fitness: K X Pilates
  • Customer service: The Graham
  • Professional advice: Behan Legal
  • Restaurant: Dalmatino
  • Tourism: 303 World Travel
  • Social media: Miishu - they have an astounding 22,000 followers on facebook!
  • Creative idea: The City Tiler
  • Environmental business: Kosdown - they are completing their move to Rocklea Drive this week after 27 years in Rouse St
  • Choose your own category: Casa de Vino
Thanks to Paul Littman and the committee for such a positive celebration of Port businesses and to Dalmatino for such a fabulous venue.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Round the Bay in a Day

Congratulations to all Port Melbourne riders who completed Round the Bay in a Day - or part of it - today.  Look at the palm tree to see how the wind was blowing when these riders passed! The level of participation in this event at every level is very visible evidence of the strength of riding in Melbourne.
Pickles St, Port Melbourne

Friday, October 19, 2012

Book Sale this Saturday and Sunday

The Rotary Club of Albert Park hold their annual pre-loved book sale on 20 and 21 October at Albert Park College, 83 Danks St. The College's Art Show is on at the same time. It's a great opportunity to check out the College if you haven't been there before.

Check us out

35 - the median age in Port Phillip
Detailed data on Port Melbourne from the 2011 census is now available in very accessible form. The total census population of Port was 14,508 people living in 8,081 dwellings. Headlines for me are that
  • lone persons make up the largest household type at 2,325 people [32.9%]
  • 90% of the dwellings are medium or high density, with only 809 separate dwellings [I would be inclined to question that if it wasn't in the ABS data]
You might be interested to dig and delve into our community profile to find out more about who we are and what we do.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The St Kilda thing

It is often observed by people in Port Melbourne that the council is St Kilda centric. After 8 years on Council, I'd like to offer just a few thoughts on this big subject. I am deeply ambivalent about St Kilda - and don't think I'm alone in that.

Great wall of St Kilda, Talbot Reserve
As you would know, my perspective is strongly influenced by the shaping of the present by the past. St Kilda historically was a place of recreation and resort – a seaside place of pleasure and entertainment. Contrast this with Port’s working and industrial history. Compare the flamboyance of the St Kilda kiosk with the utilitarian gatehouses at Station and Princes Pier. Compare the flamboyance of the St Kilda mayoral chair and the simplicity of the Port Melbourne mayoral chair. St Kilda is still a ‘look at me’ kind of place.

The Goldilocks chairs - St Kilda,
Port Melbourne and South Melbourne
What does St Kilda centric really mean?
Although many people think that most of the rates are spent in St Kilda, I'm not sure that is well borne out by an analysis of spending over the last decade.  Nor is it true that basic services are unevenly delivered across Port Phillip.
To me, the difference is not only about the money, but about the time that is spent on St Kilda issues. The St Kilda Triangle has completely dominated the Council agenda over more than 10 years. It will continue to do so as a future Council looks to how to fund the restoration of the Palais, and how the Triangle vision will be delivered. Over the last 4 years, time has been endlessly spent on St Kilda - on endless discussion of the Triangle, the St Kilda Festival, the Vineyard, the Skatepark, and the Great Provider. I was once given the wise advice that you have to be very clear about what you spend your time on because it means you are not spending it on something else. That is what I think has been happening over a long period of time - time spent on St Kilda is time not spent thinking about Port Melbourne and other parts of Port Phillip.
Local member Martin Foley said recently that he could easily just be the member for Port Melbourne because Port has so many issues: the Port Capacity Project, intensification of development, the Fishermens Bend Urban Renewal Area, the Port Melbourne waterfront, and the need for a new school - as well as the complexity of working with the many different agencies that have interests in Port Melbourne.
I feel that the St Kilda councillors just don’t know Port – they don’t have a feel for it - to know what its like to have a neighbour the size of the Port just over the fence.  It’s a phenomenon I heard described elsewhere as ‘look but fail to see’.
St Kilda thinks they have a monopoly on tourism. The fact that Port has hundreds of people coming through Staion Pier every day is not considered to be a phenomenon worthy of particular attention, and the cruise season is not part of their daily reality.
I think of St Kilda as a bit of a princess amongst the 7 wards – always demanding, always seeking attention, always thinking that St Kilda issues should have priority.
At the same time, there is so much to admire and enjoy about St Kilda – its fabulous history and creativity, and its immense contribution in social services. Someone said to me the other day that ‘you can breathe in St Kilda – rich or poor, whatever your issues – there is a place for you in St Kilda.’ We in Port could learn from that.
But there is a blind spot – they think St Kilda is the City of Port Phillip. They do not know Port Melbourne.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The status of women

The first woman to be elected to the City of Port Melbourne Council was Anna Robieson in 1978. She also became Port's first female mayor.
Since then, women have been strongly represented on the Port Phillip Council and in the mayoralty - notably by Liana Thompson - last mayor of Port Melbourne and the first mayor of Port Phillip.  Lyn Allison, former Democrat Senator for Victoria was also on the Port Melbourne Council in the late eighties.

Port Phillip Council has fortunately been free of the 'gender wars' that have been such a feature of federal politics in recent times.
There has been strong bi-partisan support in the lead up to the 2012 Council elections to increase the number and diversity of women standing for council through the Think Women for Local Government Project 2012. At present, only 25% of councillors are women, and there are some councils that still have no women councillors.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Early voting is available at the Port Town Hall

Some people regard voting as a tedious chore and some people don't vote at all - even though it's compulsory.
It seems this is not only a current observation. J W Randell, in a letter to the editor of the Argus about the Sandridge election of 1876 had no time for people who failed to vote
'These craven croakers were loud in the expression of their dissatisfaction and distrust of certain parties, yet when the time came for practical exertion they would stand idly aloof, and would render no assistance in any shape, not even to the extent of riding free of expense to the polling-place near by. The selfishness, apathy, and indifference of our fellow colonists is perfectly astounding.' The Argus Saturday 29 July 1876

The people you meet in Port ...

Digressing from election matters ...

Walking home this morning, I met Vittorio Napoli taking photographs of the beacon. I was interested in his folding bike because someeone had recommended a folding bike to me. 

Vittorio is travelling round Australia. and making his way to Cairns for the full solar eclipse on 14 November [not all on the folding bike!]. 

He had stopped at the beacon installation because of its references to stellar navigation as he is a teacher and an astrophysicist. Apparently we will only experience a partial solar eclipse here in Melbourne.

Vittoria Napoli at Beacon Vista, Port Melbourne

Monday, October 15, 2012

The numbers

In 1994, at the time of council amalgamations, Port Melbourne people were represented by 9 councillors in 3 wards. In 1996, the population of Port Melbourne was 7,904.
In 2011, the population of Port Melbourne was 14,508 - a massive increase over 15 years.
And one councillor.
The  Victorian Electoral Commission reviewed Port Phillip's  representation in 2007 and made changes that came into effect at the 2008 election. The VEC redistributed voters so that all 7 wards had roughly the same number of voters with some capacity to grow into the future. They took voters off Sandridge/Port Melbourne and allocated them to Emerald Hill and Albert Park - including Cruikshank St east side, Esplanade East east side and Pickles St west side.
I am told this causes some resentment amongst voters in those areas who consider themselves first and foremost Port Melbourne people.

Meet the 3 Sandridge ward candidates tonight

Bernadene Voss, Lee Turner and Peter de Groot will be at the Sandridge Trugo Club this evening from 7.30. This is a chance for you to meet and ask questions of the candidates for Sandridge ward.
Thanks to Port People for hosting this important event.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sandridge - Port Melbourne

I like that our ward retains its historic name - Sandridge - referring to the dunes that characterised the beach in the very early days of white settlement. I have a very strong sense of the continuity of municipal government in Sandridge - going back to 1860.
I owe an enormous amount to my predecessors in the role of Sandridge Ward councillor on the Port Phillip Council - Liana Thompson and Julian Hill - as well as to the mayor and councillors of the former City of Port Melbourne.
That is why I have given very careful thought and consideration to who I will support in the forthcoming election.
I believe Bernadene Voss has what it takes to be a very able councillor.
She loves Port Melbourne and wants the best for it. She has a strong track record of contribution in our community at the Port Melbourne Family and Children's hub as well as on the Two Schools Now campaign. She is strong in financial managment, having run her own business. She is conscientious, competent, committed and hard working.

Making voting easy

Port Phillip has attendance voting. Most other councils have postal voting. Some people say that attendance voting contributes to Port Phillip's low voter turnout. It is more likely because of the high number of renters in Port Phillip. Postal voting, in my opinion, leads to a proliferation of candidates since all they have to do is write a 150 word statement, pay their deposit, and appear on the ballot paper. That makes the election outcome uncertain and dependent on a complicated exchange of preferences.
In contrast, we have three candidates here in Sandridge.
The Victorian Electoral Commission offers a range of voting opportunities for Port Phillip's voters.
From tomorrow, you can vote at your convenience at the Port Melbourne Town Hall, at 333 Bay  between 9 am and 5 pm - upstairs in the Council Chamber.
You can also request a postal vote* if your work or other circumstances make it hard for you to get to the Town Hall, or if you will be out of town on election day.
If you like the buzz of election day you can, of course, also vote on the 27th - election day.
The Victorian Electoral Commission website is an essential reference point if you have any questions about the voting process.
* postal voting closes at 12 noon on Thursday 25 October

Friday, October 12, 2012

Port Phillip Council elections 2012

With only two weeks to go to the election on 27 October, just letting you know that Port Focus will turn to election considerations.

Welcome to Port: Station St Trading Company

The weather may be dull - but not what is happening on the corner of Raglan and Station St. Wishing this new local coffee and eating place well in this beautiful spot. The presentation has gone from very green to grey-y blue.

'Locals walking past couldn’t help but peer in to check out the progress, excited to see what the one-time lolly shop and one-time boot makers had now become',  according to Broadsheet.
Can anyone offer any more about the lolly shop and boot maker referred to here?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Full house

It's not often that there's standing room only for an AGM, but so it was tonight for the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association at the Sandridge Trugo Club. 

The BCNA actively represents the interests of people living in Beacon Cove and surrounds on an impressive array of issues including the Port Capacity Project, the future of Waterfront Place, and on a range of issues with Council. 

President Eddie Micallef, Vice President Greg Mate, Secretary Trevor Nink, and Treasurer Dana Hlavacek are supported by a willing and active committee. 

The BCNA keeps members informed through their website 
and their newsletter 'The Beacon' - I mention that to give me an excuse to share a beacon picture.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Edwards Park replanted

Longing looking

Waterside apartments, Dow St
After several inventive contributions from readers as to what this gentleman is looking for - including 'looking into my backyard', and 'at Flemington', today I was told the 'real' story
... in the neighbouring Army and Navy Hotel building, a man lived with his wife. One day she disappeared. He kept looking for her.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quiz the Sandridge Ward Candidates on Monday 15

The three candidates for the Sandridge Ward, Port Melbourne, in the upcoming City of Port Phillip elections on 27 October
will be available for questions from the community. All welcome and supper provided.
  • Trugo Club, Garden City Reserve, Port Melbourne
  • Monday, 15th October 2012 at 7.30 pm
  • 7.30 pm
Further details: Contact Port People Inc 0419 575 541

Monday, October 8, 2012


Is it just me? I can't recall ever seeing the graffiti round Port Melbourne as bad as it is at the moment. No sooner reported than there is a new attack.
You can help by reporting graffiti on council buildings/parks/furniture to Assist on 9209 6777, or at the Port Melbourne Town Hall. Its helpful to give a very precise location. Assist can also advise property owners on how to deal with graffiiti on their own properties.

Wednesday 10 October
Contactors at work removing graffiti at Lagoon Reserve after it was reported on Monday.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Beds prepared - lying in wait

After repeated attempts to nurture the rose garden in Edwards Park over recent years - only to have the roses stolen, ripped up, strewn about and otherwise vandalised - the decision has been taken to come up with a more robust planting scheme for the park. The beds are being prepared for that purpose.
Edwards Park, Port Melbourne
Wednesday 10 October - Newly planted flower beds
Please keep an eye on the new plants and report any thefts or vandalism to Council straight away 9209 6777.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Our Port community strongly represented on the Port Liaison Group

With the Premier's announcement about Webb Dock yesterday, it's a good time to get acquainted with the people who are on the Project Liaison Group for the Port Capacity Project. The PLG  'is designed to provide valuable advice and input to the Port's Project Team and will help to define the final design and specification of many aspects of the Project.' Port Melbourne's community groups: Port People, Port to Port and the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association are all represented, as well as senior staff from the City of Port Phillip.
And by the way, I like cranes a very strong colour - preferably this red. I don't like the 'disappear into the background military grey' crane colour offered as an option.

Webb Dock

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Announcement about Webb Dock

The Premier today invited expressions of interest for operators for the new Webb Dock container terminal, automotive terminal and Pre Delivery Inspection hub.
He said that 'all EoI's will be assessed using commercial, environmental and community amentity criteria, while the Port of Melbourne will deliver the backbone infrastructure required for the development.'  Here is the complete press release.

Parallel worlds

While traffic backed up in every direction in Melbourne this evening, all was golden in Port Melbourne - with people savouring the warmth and light - each in their own way.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Significant Port heritage buildings for sale

Noticed that the Bay & Bridge, formerly Chequers, is for sale by expression of interest. The former courthouse is also for sale. Readings failed to sell at auction.

Watching over Bay St

Monday, October 1, 2012

Finishing touches

Just happened to be passing as this new pedestrian priority crossing was being painted late this afternoon outside the new Waterside apartments in Dow St.

I am fascinated by these early, small, plain houses in Dow St which can be seen in this 1873 photograph looking over the Sandridge Lagoon.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The last Saturday in September

Went scouring Port for evidence of footy fever - didn't find much.  This was the best I found. Swallows were having some sort of Swans function when I went past yesterday. My own heart went out of football last weekend.
Monday 1 October
Have to revise this sentiment after the Swans defeated Hawthorn.and to acknowledge Bobby Skilton who presented the Grand Final cup. Bobby Skilton is Port Melbourne born and bred and attended Graham St primary school. He won three Brownlows when playing for South Melbourne. He was equally skilled kicking with the left and right foot, and with  left and right handed handballs. His father played for Port.*
* John May pers com
For those of you who were never interested in the football in the first place and may prefer their red a different way, here are some photos of Kennedia prostrata - or running postman - my favourite ground cover of this time of year.
photos Lyn Allison

Friday, September 28, 2012

Now, then - and what next for the London?

The London sold at auction for $3.075m last Friday 21 September. It has always struck me how very plain the London is, but it has not always been this way. 'The London is one of the Port pubs that were done up towards the end of the 1930s in Moderne art deco style'*. Have a look at this great photo showing how Beach St looked in the early days.
*Chartered Scoundrels: A brief history of Port Melbourne hotels by Pat Grainger

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yellow tops

Yellow tops highlight the presence of pedestrians.

It seems that some drivers are not always aware of the Road Rules regarding pedestrians, so here they are:

  • A driver must give way to any pedestrian on a pedestrian crossing, and you must not overtake another vehicle which has stopped at a pedestrian crossing. When approaching a pedestrian crossing, you must drive at a speed that would enable you to stop safely.
  • When turning at any intersection (except a roundabout), you must give way to any pedestrians crossing the road you are entering. [yellow top or no yellow top]

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Council is now in caretaker mode until 27 October

Nominations for the council elections to be held on 27 October closed yesterday. The candidates contesting the Sandridge Ward are
  • Bernadene Voss
  • Lee Turner
  • Peter de Groot
Expect to hear more from these candidates over coming weeks. I have put the Victorian Electoral Commission's details in the links area if you are interested in other wards or other councils. You can also access the VEC here.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Report back on a very late - 1.00 am! - Council meeting

North Port Oval
Council awarded the contract for the construction of the North Port Oval Sports Pavilion to 2Construct Pty Ltd for the sum of $2,445,741. The contract term for construction is 9 months with a 12 months defects liability period. Construction is proposed to begin in October 2012.
To review the plans, click here.
St Kilda Festival
The Council contribution to the 2013 St Kilda Festival is likely to be in the order of  $1.03 - $1.2m. Submittors to Council offered many ideas for adapting the Festival to changing circumstances and saw the funding shortfall as 'a real opportunity for change' and an opportunity to 'redefine the Festival'. A transition plan was suggested towards a scaled down Festival drawing strongly on local talent and resources.

The Council unanimously agreed to proceed with the 2013 St Kilda Festival since preparations for the February event are already well advanced. It was acknowledged that the current model for the Festival is not financially sustainable and that alternative approaches to supporting live music, arts and culture should be explored with key interest groups.

A very Port commemoration

Perce White, many times mayor of the City of Port Melbourne and veteran unionist, speaks to a gathering celebrating 140 years of maritime union history in Sangster Reserve in Nott St.
George Sangster was a founding member of the Seaman's Union at its first meeting in 1872 and President of the Trades Hall Council in 1894/5. He was briefly a councillor of the City of Port Melbourne between 1893/4 and represented Port Melbourne in the Legislative Assembly between 1894 and 1915. 

He was also president of the Port Melbourne Football Club - though chess was apparently his preferred game. He opposed Federation and the Boer War and wars in general. An anti-monarchist, he also opposed the teaching of the bible in schools.*

Perce White, Sangster Reserve, Nott St: picture Martin Foley

This house, formerly the New Great Britain Hotel was where that first meeting of the Seamen's Union took place in 1872 - the world's very first maritime union*.

* sources: Chartered Scoundrels: A brief history of Port Melbourne hotels by Pat Grainger p60 In Safe Hands: Presidents of the Port Melbourne Football Club by Terry Keenan pp41,43 both books available from the Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay St, Port Melbourne  

Monday, September 24, 2012

Council Meeting tonight - the 24th September

Tonight's Council meeting to be held in St Kilda from 6 pm  is the last substantive meeting of this Council term. From tomorrow, the Council enters the caretaker period until the election on October 27th. This means that no decisions with major financial or policy implications will be decided after today.
At tonight's meeting, the following Port items will be considered:
  • Council's submission to the Port Capacity Project
  • Appointment to Lagoon Reserve and Gasworks Park Reference Committees
  • Tender report for North Port Oval Redevelopment - Sports Pavilion construction
Many other items on the agenda have a significant bearing on the Port Melbourne community including:
  • Secondary School Provision Study
  • Submission to State Government on the reformed planning zones for Victoria
  • St Kilda Festival 2013
  • Children's Services Waiting List - priority of access
  • Guiding Principles for Transport Planning
  • City of Port Phillip Access Plan 2013 - 2018
  • Tender report for the Emerald Hill Library and Heritage Centre
The agenda and supporting reports are available here.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Port Melbourne weekend

Geelong beat Port Melbourne 14.24.108 to 11.9.75 in the VFL Grand Final. The last quarter was hard to bear. Youth seemed to have the edge on experience.
3207 Beach Patrollers enjoying the day while picking up a combined 50 kg of litter - mostly plastic bits.
picture Ross Headifen

Friday, September 21, 2012

Go Borough!

Port Melbourne plays Geelong in the VFL Grand Final at Etihad on Sunday 23rd starting at 2.15. Its a big stadium - room for lots more Port supporters.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spring peak

Enjoy the wisteria - its season is so brief.
near the Bowling Club

Notice of a planning decision: 231-241 Cecil St, South Melbourne

CaSPA Care residence, South Melbourne [Claremont and South Port Aged Care]
Last night Council's Statutory Planning Committee issued a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit to construct a two, three and four storey building and basement and construct and carry out works associated with a residential aged care facility. The planning report is available here.
The site, formerly the St Vincents Boys Home, is on the Victorian Heritage Register. Assessment of the heritage matters for the site lies with Heritage Victoria. Heritage Victoria has granted a permit for the proposed demolition and building alterations and additions.
The facility will contain 142 rooms including 4 double rooms for a total of 146 beds.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lid litter

3207 Beach Patrol will be cleaning the beach this Saturday from 9 am opposite the London Hotel.
Then on Sunday, Charles Moore, who discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch will be speaking at the South Melbourne Commons in Montague St at 6 pm. Anybody concerned about plastic pollution would find it interesting. .
This Catalyst programme is also compelling - and disturbing - viewing.
These are the lids I have picked up on Port Melbourne beaches this year without trying too hard.