Friday, August 21, 2009

Did you know that

Recycling rates per capita in Port Phillip reached 40.82% in 2008/09, up from 39% the previous year, and 31% a decade ago.

Waste generation rates were 211kg, 35kg less than in 1997/98.

What is your view on this performance?


FOPMF said...

The figures suggest that the amount of recycling has plateaued. But at around 40% of total rubbish is there opportunity for more recycling in COPP? Individually COPP residents are producing less since 1997/98 but there would be more of us here now in 2009.

Has there been a shift away from recycling education in recent times? Has the drought, water conservation and global warming taken centre stage in sustainable living practices at the expense of recycling?

Port Places said...

In response:
The diversion rate is increasing at a slower rate but it is still rising. Currently we can only recycle co-mingled products (paper, cardboard, plastic, metal and glass). The amount of this product left in the rubbish stream is quickly diminishing and diverting this remaining proportion is a slow process. It requires changing the behaviour the last 5%- 10% of the population, a group that can be difficult to reach or affect via education. The big opportunity for increasing recycling rates comes in the form of food and organic waste recycling. Solutions for this opportunity are currently under investigation.

Education is still a vital element of waste management. While the drought and other issues may obtain more media exposure waste and recycling education stays an important commitment for Council as it affects the effectiveness of an essential service. Council will continue to play a vital role in waste education and hopes that with the development of new technologies it can play an important role in dramatically increasing waste diversion rates over the coming 5 years.